Fast Pass (May 18, 2024)

Fast Pass (May 18, 2024)


Limited Fast Passes are dropped weekly the morning of No Sad Sundaes at 7am. There is no cost for a fast pass. It’s free baby! Just gotta claim it.

Skip the line, come straight to the counter, show the us your confirmation email and place your order at No Sad Sundaes. Limited availability.

Fast pass grants you and your guests access to come straight to the front of the counter to order ice cream during No Sad Sundaes (on specified date only). Fast pass does not guarantee any specific sundae as some items on menu may sell out faster than others. Fast pass does not include any sundaes, just a pass to jump the line! Simple as that. Just skip the line. It’s not that complicated. What are you waiting for? Why are you still reading this?! Hurry up! Too late now! Dang... :(

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